The project
The covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of flexible and intelligent ways of working, giving a central role to smart working. The time has now come to transform the changes prompted by the emergency phase into best practices that will last. Therefore, Marzotto Venture Accelerator, in collaboration with Phygiwork, has decided to launch the Call4Projects entitled “Innovate4SmarterWork: Rethinking the Work Experience”.
The call aims to gather projects and business ideas that intend to develop innovative technologies, solutions, and services to rethink the future of work. The best business ideas will be rewarded with access to acceleration programs. As a result, new managerial models that combine productivity, employee wellbeing, and workplace sustainability may emerge. The Call4Projects is open to informal teams, spin-offs, start-ups, SMEs, independent innovators, and established companies that intend to focus their business on the work experience in the coming years.
What is the Call4projects about?
Innovate4SmarterWork is inspired by open innovation models that favor the virtuous contamination between ideas internal and external to an organization.
Marzotto Venture Accelerator and Phygiwork have identified 5 Key Focus Areas, divided into several challenges concerning the collaboration paradigms that drive highly innovative companies. Participants in the call may present their projects within one of the following challenges.
Participants may propose projects consistent with the Challenges by selecting the relevant Code when filling in the registration form (see paragraph “Registration and Project Deliverables” below).

Solutions for assessing and enhancing company’s know-how (for example: software for skill mapping, identifying gaps, building training needs, team composition by task specificity, etc.).
Objective: Increase workers’ effectiveness and efficiency while ensuring flexibility and results.
- Challenge 1.1 [Code PR1.1]: Optimization of the operational model
Solutions for the transformation and digitalization of the company’s operating model, resources, functions, and internal processes (for example, products to improve performance, workflow management, authorization workflows, digitalization of the operating model, etc.). - Challenge 1.2 [Code PR1.2]: Monitoring
Solutions that improve the collection and analysis of data on the use of work tools and how workers interact (for example, solutions for monitoring activities and time, from task allocation to results, etc.). - Challenge 1.3 [Code PR1.3]: Knowledge Management
Solutions for assessing and enhancing the company’s know-how (for example, software for skill mapping, identifying gaps, building training needs, team composition by task specificity, etc.)

Solutions and products that stimulate and enable collective intelligence inside and outside the organization.
Objective: Increase interaction and collaboration between people within the company and with the external environment.
- Challenge 2.1 [Code I&C2.1]: Social collaboration
Solutions that facilitate the exchange and sharing of data and information within the organization (for example, instant messaging solutions and tools, web conferences, etc.). - Challenge 2.2 [Code I&C2.2]: Field Service Management
Application of technologies (for example, AR/VR and Artificial Intelligence) enabling the optimization of operations performed outside the office through central coordination. - Challenge 2.3 [Code I&C2.3]: Accessibility
Solutions and services that allow access to work tools at any time and from any place, with attention to mobility needs inside and outside the office (for example, remote workstations, smart devices, etc.).

Solutions and products that foster the involvement and enhancement of employees in the company.
Objective: stimulate employee’s sense of belonging to and identification with the organization.
- Challenge 3.1 [Code HR3.1]: Social Engagement
Solutions, methodologies, and operational models that foster staff involvement, integration and inclusion of resources, merit assessment, increased sense of responsibility, awareness of results to be achieved, and a sense of belonging to the organization.
- Challenge 3.2 [Code HR3.2]: Talent Management
Solutions that enable or facilitate talent management, understood as the acquisition, development, and enhancement over time of professional resources in the company. - Challenge 3.3 [Code HR3.3]: Gamification
Gamification solutions across business processes (for example, incentive systems for sustainable behavior, achievement of results, proposals for improvement and innovation, etc.). - Challenge 3.4 [Code HR3.4]: Employer branding
Systems for sharing, collecting, and monitoring data (internal and external to the company) on brand perception, brand awareness, and brand reputation.

Solutions and products related to the psycho-physical wellbeing of people inside and outside the workplace.
Objective: stimulate the diffusion of a culture oriented to psycho-physical wellbeing and the achievement of an optimal work-life balance.
- Challenge 4.1 [Code WB4.1]: Work-Life integration
Solutions capable of facilitating time management, and professional and personal commitments, while maintaining high standards of efficiency and satisfaction in both (for example, intelligent planning systems, support in managing personal and professional commitments, etc.). - Challenge 4.2 [Code WB4.2]: Psychological & physical health
Solutions aimed at improving or monitoring the physical, psychological, and relational wellbeing of workers (for example, systems for monitoring stress levels, activity & fitness trackers, solutions promoting a healthy lifestyle, etc.). - Challenge 4.3 [Code WB4.3]: Social Interactions
Solutions and tools that facilitate and encourage informal interactions among employees, fostering a better working climate.

Solutions and products that adapt environments and physical spaces to new ways of working and collaborating, with a view on flexibility, safety, and environmental sustainability.
Objective: bring flexibility, quality, and eco-sustainability to workspaces, in line with the adoption and spread of new ways of working.
- Challenge 5.1 [Code PH5.1]: Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)
Solutions capable of ensuring and monitoring the quality of production processes, safety, environmental protection, and the safeguarding of ecological values in the workplace. - Challenge 5.2 [Code PH5.2]: Workplace experience & management
Solutions and technologies to favor a complete and customizable user experience in workplaces (for example, space reservation and access management). Solutions for the management of heterogeneous data sources and the implementation of data security services. - Challenge 5.3 [Code PH5.3]: Office & Mobility Smartness
Solutions and services for the redesign and transformation of work environments (for example, activity-based spaces). Solutions and services related to the use of spaces outside the company (for example, coworking areas, hubs, hotel lobbies, bars, and restaurants, etc.). Solutions for the management and optimization of employee mobility, with a view on reducing travel, saving time, adopting sustainable mobility systems, and limiting climate-changing emissions.
How to participate?
Participants must fill in the form, which can be accessed by clicking here, no later than 30 June 2022 under penalty of exclusion (see regulation). In the case of a project submitted by a team or a collective entity, the main contact person must be indicated. In the “Project description” section, the following main points should be explained:
- Company Idea (business overview of the project)
- Key People (bio, roles, and skills of the team)
- Business Strategy (business model and go-to-market strategy)
- Technology (technology used with the indication of any patents)
- Market & Positioning (target market, competitive scenario, and positioning with respect to competitors)
- Key Financials (expected economic results in terms of turnover, costs, and investments)
- Technology Roadmap & Business Upside (roadmap of future technological and business development of the project with the indication of the main milestones).
In addition to the points listed above, it is mandatory to add a pitch to be attached in a PDF format, developing each of the salient aspects of the project. Finally, it is optional but strongly recommended to supplement the proposal with a Business Plan (if available) and additional documentation allowing a more detailed examination of the candidate project. For example, patents, technical files describing the technology, certifications attesting to intellectual property, etc., may be cited.
All documents may be written in Italian or English.

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the form

all data

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Get in
the game
The Call4projects closed on June 30th, we are evaluating the applications.
Thanks for your interest!
For further information please contact innovate4sw@